Saturday 8 June 2013

Kitintale Skate Park in Uganda

The Uganda Skateboard Union consists of a group of young people in the Kampala district of Uganda. After watching a skateboarding video from the United States, Jackson Mubiru, the director of the USU, along with a few others decided to build their own skateboard park. The Kintalke Skate Park is the first skate park in East Africa, and was also built entirely without the assistance of NGO’s or government funding. Today, there are over 50 members of the USU who skate daily at Kitintale, and the skateboard company Birdhouse has since sponsored the skateparks, along with a number of private donors who support the cause. Kitintale acts as not only a place for recreation, but encourages community among these young people, both keeping them from trouble and encouraging them to pursue a dream that seems almost unheard of from a small village in Uganda.

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