
Friday, 19 April 2013

12,000 bells on the tree

Last year, the New Zealand artist Tiffany Singh has created his latest amazing installation entitled «Drums Between The Bells» (Drums between the bells). This installation consists of 12,000 bells hanging on white ribbon with a massive old tree in the center of Melbourne.

"The name 'Drums between the bells" - a kind of metaphor for our understanding between the physical and the spiritual world, "- explains the artist.

"The name of this great installation that transformed the open space in the area of ​​Melbourne in a real musical instrument in the fresh air."

"The tree is decorated with small bells hanging vertically from the branches. And people who go among them, are actively involved in the installation, as well as the wind. "

Photographer Tiffany Cleo Barnett helped create this installation. She not only took off the whole process, but she helped hang the bells.

"The first time I participated in such an event, - says the photographer. - I had no idea how much work had to do, and these memories will stay with me forever. "

 "It's so nice to work on something with such zeal, and then sit back and watch as your work pleases tens of thousands of people."

"Passers-by came to a tree in a trance, as if my installation was magical and drew people like a magnet. Sight and sound of 12,000 bells in one place - it's really something magical, surreal and even a sacred ".

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